
This website opforintel.com is published by OPFOR Intelligence, a French joint-stock (SAS) corporation registered in France under 
the identification RCS Paris 812 600 054.

Address: 13,bis avenue de la Motte-Piquet, 75007 Paris, FRANCE

Phone: +33 1 85 09 98 17

Web design: OPFOR Intelligence

Hosting: OVH SAS
2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, FRANCE

This website does not use a traffic analysis tool. No personally identifying information is collected automatically, except for 
IP addresses recorded in the server access log by our host. Those are not used in any way besides regular server maintenance.

The only cookies used on this website are technical "session" cookies that are automatically created for each visitor. This is a necessary technical 
functionality provided by our host's server. These cookies are only used to provide the necessary technical functionality and not for any marketing use.

The only personally identifiable information collected on this website is when a user decides to use the contact form to get in touch with 
OPFOR Intelligence. We will then have access to this user's email address, which is necessary for us to respond to the request. The message we get 
from the website also includes the user's IP address and browser's user agent.

In application of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679, all European users shall have the right to decide how their personal data 
is managed. Thus, at any time during our email conversation, a user may ask OPFOR Intelligence to delete all reference to said correspondence and their email 
address. Without any such request, we automatically delete website contact emails and details every year.

No other copy of the user's email address is retained outside of our email tool during the course of our correspondence. In particular, no email addresses 
used to contact us will ever be entered into a permanent form of storage such as CRM software or a directory.

Only when a website contact chooses to become a customer, by asking us to provide a quotation or perform work, will their personal information be stored 
in our CRM software, hosted in Europe.
This website is provided to you without charge as a convenience and for your information only. You use this site at your own risk. Under no circumstances, 
including, but not limited to, negligence, shall we be liable for any direct or indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages.

We may provide hyperlinks or pointers to other websites maintained by third parties or may provide third-party content on our website by framing or other 
methods. This is in no way an endorsement of said third party.

The links to third-party websites are provided for your convenience and information only. The content in any linked websites is not under our control 
so we are not responsible for the content, including any further links in a third-party site. If you decide to access any of the third-party sites, you do 
this entirely at your own risk.

It is up to you to take precautions to ensure that the third party you link to for your use is free of computer viruses, worms, trojan horses and other 
items of a destructive nature.

This website makes use of Open Source technologies through software libraries. Licences for those are usually included within their own source code package. 
Absolutely no claim is made on this Open Source code.

Illustrations shown on this website are presented with the author's knowledge and agreement, or are duly licensed by OPFOR Intelligence from 
professional image services.

These Terms of Use shall be construed in accordance with French law.